The series began in May 1992 by Todd McFarlane after he left Marvel Comics and created Image Comics to come up with his own comic book series after drawing and writing Spider-Man for nearly 5 years starting off with The Incredible Hulk series.
A Hellspawn that made a deal with Malebolgia (the king of the 8th sphere in Hell), to be able to return to Earth and see his wife Wanda, although he was able to return. Spawn (Al Simmons) returns to Earth and comes to realizes that his wife has now re-married with his former best friend Terry Fitzgerald and now has a child named Cyan. Spawn spends alot of time on Earth trying to figure out who he is and to find out who killed him and sent him to hell. Although we find that his real purpose is to collect souls for Hell's army which is preparing for war against Heaven and to become a general in Hell's army.
Spawn is a great comic book series that is completely different from the rest like Spider-Man, Fantasic Four, etc. It doesn't follow the typical superhero cliche and follows more of a viglante like The Punisher or Daredevil. The story itself is rather slow and vague at first but once you continue to read more issues it will all come together like a big puzzle. The artwork improves as almost every issue has a different artist contributing to this series as Todd later stops drawing Spawn due to more business issues and various other companies he now owns.
My personal favorites are Todd McFarlane and Greg Capullo! :D
Spawn has been collaborated into a TV series, Movie, Toys, Games, Japanese Manga all around the world and became a very popular character in the 90's. Now, ever since the comic book decline towards the late 90's and into the new millennium, Spawn has now become a character of yesteryear and still continues on its legacy and has over 200 issues including various side-stories, one-shots and crossovers. Spawn has yet to die from the comic book scene and hopefully will once again rise to the top.
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